Monday 3 April 2017

Attachments in G-mail, now with the power of Google Drive

You're presumably used to downloading email attachments, yet each of those documents sets aside opportunity to download, gobbles up space on your gadget, and can get covered somewhere inside your "Downloads" organizer. With today's refresh to Gmail, you can skirt that entire procedure. Rather, you can see connections and spare records straightforwardly to Google Drive while never leaving Gmail, making it simple to get to them later from whatever gadget you're on—PC, telephone or tablet.

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Whenever you open an email with connections, you'll see new reviews of the documents at the base of the email, from photographs and recordings to spreadsheets and PDFs.

When you tap on one of those sneak peaks, a full-screen perspective of the picture or report will show up. You can read, scan for a specific expression, and even peruse through numerous connections appropriate in Gmail.

You can now additionally spare your connections straightforwardly to Drive basically by tapping the Drive catch that shows up when you drift over the review. Obviously, on the off chance that you want to download the connection to your PC, you can—simply tap the bolt catch

This new connection experience is accessible on desktop and will take off throughout the following week. In case you're one of the more than 120 million dynamic Drive clients, you realize that sparing your documents to Drive gives you a chance to get to them from any PC, telephone or tablet. Furthermore, in the event that you aren't exploiting Drive right now, try it out with your next Gmail connection

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